JavaScript Pattern Module

The “Module” pattern is based on closures and consists of two components: an outer function that defines a lexical environment, and a return set of inner functions that have access to this environment.

Let’s define the simplest module:

let foo = (function(){
    let obj = {greeting: "hello"};
    return {
        display: function(){
foo.display(); // hello

The variable foo is defined here, which represents the result of the anonymous function. Inside such a function, an obj object is defined with some data.

The anonymous function itself returns an object that defines the display function. The returned object defines a public API through which we can access the data defined within the module.

return {
        display: function(){

This design allows you to close a certain set of data within the module function and mediate access to them through a specific API – returned internal functions.

Let’s look at a slightly more complex example:

let calculator = (function(){
    let data = {number: 0};
    return {
        sum: function(n){
            data.number += n;
        subtract: function(n){
            data.number -= n;
        display: function(){
            console.log("Result: ", data.number);

calculator.display(); // result: 13
calculator.display(); // result: 9

This module is a primitive calculator that performs three operations: addition, subtraction, and output.

All data is encapsulated in a data object that stores the result of the operation. All operations are represented by three return functions: sum, subtract and display. Through these functions, we can control the result of the calculator from the outside.