Developer Survey Results on (May 2022) has published the results of a developer survey conducted in May 2022. In total, more than 70,000 developers took part in the survey. Some poll results.

Most Popular Development Tools

The most used programming languages ​​were distributed as follows (note: the team also included HTML/CSS and SQL in the list of programming languages):

  1. JavaScript – 65.36%
  2. HTML/CSS – 55.08%
  3. SQL – 49.43%
  4. Python – 48.07%
  5. TypeScript – 34.83%
  6. Java – 33.27%
  7. Bash/Shell – 29.07%
  8. C# – 27.98%
  9. C++ – 22.55%
  10. PHP – 20.87%
  11. C – 19.27%
  12. PowerShell – 12.07%
  13. Go – 11.15%
  14. Rust – 9.32%
  15. Kotlin – 9.16%
  16. Dart – 6.54%
  17. Ruby – 6.05%
  18. Assembly – 5.47%
  19. Swift – 4.91%
  20. R – 4.66%
  21. VBA – 4.48%
  22. Matlab – 4.1%
  23. Groovy – 3.32%
  24. Delphi – 3.25%
  25. Scala – 2.59%
  26. Objective-C – 2.39%
  27. Perl – 2.31%
  28. Haskell – 2.22%
  29. Elixir – 2.15%
  30. Julia – 1.53%
  31. Clojure – 1.51%
  32. Solidity – 1.45%
  33. LISP – 1.31%
  34. F# – 1.03%
  35. Fortran – 0.91%
  36. Erlang – 0.9%
  37. APL – 0.71%
  38. COBOL – 0.65%
  39. SAS – 0.61%
  40. OCalm – 0.59%
  41. Crystal – 0.48%

If we look at the dynamics and compare them with last year’s survey results , we will see that in general, most positions have retained last year’s values, and the dynamics, as a rule, fit into the range of plus or minus 1-2%. What can speak about the stability of the ecosystem of developers? JavaScript is still the most popular language, followed by the HTML/CSS bundle. Also on the site are the results of a survey of professional developers, where the overall indicators and trends do not differ much.

Separately, a rating was compiled for such programming languages ​​and technologies with which developers currently do not work, but would like to work, as well as languages ​​that they like and dislike.

Rust took first place among the languages ​​that they like – 86.73% of respondents like it. Also in the top five languages ​​are Elixir, Closure, TypeScript, and Julia.

The topmost DON’T-like language was Matlab (disliked by 80.84% ​​of respondents), followed by Cobol, VBA, Objective-C, and Fortran.

Among the languages ​​with which the developers have not worked, but would like to work, the rating was distributed as follows:

  1. Rust – 17.6%
  2. Python – 17.59%
  3. TypeScript – 17.03%
  4. Go – 16.41%
  5. JavaScript – 12.98%
  6. Kotlin – 8.08%
  7. C++ – 7.67%
  8. SQL – 6.51%
  9. C# – 6.11%
  10. Java – 5.6%
  11. Dart – 4.83%
  12. C – 4.43%
  13. Swift – 4.3%
  14. HTML/CSS – 4.09%
  15. Elixir – 3.07%
  16. Haskell – 2.98%
  17. Solidity – 2.82%
  18. Ruby – 2.66%
  19. Bash/Shell – 2.65%
  20. Assembly – 2.5%
  21. R – 2.33%
  22. Scala – 2.21%
  23. PHP – 2.17%
  24. F# – 2.01%
  25. Julia – 2.05%
  26. Lua – 1.72%
  27. Clojure – 1.63%
  28. PowerShell – 1.55%
  29. Erlang – 1.25%
  30. LISP – 1.02%
  31. OCalm – 0.77%
  32. Matlab – 0.76%
  33. Objective-C – 0.71%
  34. APL – 0.55%
  35. Perl – 0.53%
  36. Crystal – 0.51%
  37. Groovy – 0.47%
  38. VBA – 0.39%
  39. Fortran – 0.39%
  40. COBOL – 0.37%
  41. SAS – 0.33%
  42. Delphi – 0.23%

Thus, in the top five most desired languages ​​are Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, Go, Rust.

Most popular databases

Among the most used database systems, the choice of developers was distributed as follows:

  1. MySQL – 46.85%
  2. PostgreSQL – 43.59%
  3. SQLite – 32.01%
  4. MongoDB – 28.3%
  5. Microsoft SQL Server – 26.87%
  6. Redis – 22.13%
  7. MariaDB – 17.93%
  8. Elasticsearch – 12.21%
  9. Oracle – 11.49%
  10. Firebase – 8.72%
  11. DynamoDB – 8.26%
  12. Cloud Firestore – 7.45%
  13. Cassandra – 2.66%
  14. Neo4j – 2.12%
  15. IBM DB2 – 2%
  16. Couchbase – 1.33%
  17. CouchDB – 1.29%

Most popular web frameworks

Separately, the popularity of web frameworks was calculated, moreover, client and server side technologies are mixed here.

  1. Node.js – 47.12%
  2. React.js – 42.62%
  3. jQuery – 28.57%
  4. Express – 22.99%
  5. Angular – 20.39%
  6. Vue.js – 18.82%
  7. ASP.NET Core – 18.59%
  8. ASP.NET – 14.9%
  9. Django – 14.65%
  10. Flask – 14.64%
  11. Next.js – 13.52%
  12. Laravel – 9.45%
  13. Angular.js – 8.99%
  14. FastAPI – 6.02%
  15. Ruby on Rails – 5.83%
  16. Svelte – 4.58%
  17. Blazor – 4.46%
  18. Nuxt.js – 3.83%
  19. Symfony – 3.58%
  20. Gatsby – 3.46%
  21. Drupal – 2.22%
  22. Foenix- 2.13%
  23. Fastify – 1.85%
  24. Deno – 1.69%
  25. Play Framework- 0.82%

Most used text editors/IDEs

The list of the most popular text editors/programming environments according to the results of the survey looks like this:

  1. Visual Studio Code – 74.48%
  2. Visual Studio – 32.15%
  3. IntelliJ – 27.97%
  4. Notepad++ – 27.71%
  5. Vim – 23.34%
  6. Android Studio – 19.8%
  7. PyCharm – 17.24%
  8. Sublime Text – 16.59%
  9. Eclipse – 12.57%
  10. IPython/Jupyter – 11.61%
  11. Xcode – 10.53%
  12. Atom – 9.35%
  13. Webstorm – 7.94%
  14. PHPStorm – 6.79%
  15. Neovim – 6.75%
  16. NetBeans – 5.24%
  17. CLion – 5.02%
  18. Rider – 4.94%
  19. Emacs – 4.51%
  20. RStudio – 3.39%
  21. GoLand – 3.33%
  22. RAD Studio (Delphi, C++ Builder) – 2.69%
  23. Qt Creater – 2.68%
  24. Spyder – 2.32%
  25. RubyMine – 1.38%
  26. TextMate – 0.73%

The most paid technologies

The ranking of the most paid programming languages/technologies looks like this (the value represents the median annual salary in US dollars):

  1. Clojure – 106 644$
  2. Erlang – 103 000$
  3. F# – 95 526$
  4. LISP – 95 000$
  5. Ruby – 93 000$
  6. Elixir – 92 959$
  7. Scala – 92 780$
  8. Perl – 90 073$
  9. Go – 89 204$
  10. Rust – 87 047$
  11. OCaml – 86 948$
  12. Groovy – 85 320$
  13. Crystal – 84 690$
  14. Objective-C – 83 165$
  15. Bash/Shell – 81 666$
  16. Haskell – 80 250$
  17. Fortran – 80 000$
  18. Lua – 79 568$
  19. Swift – 78 468$
  20. PowerShell – 78 084$
  21. Julia – 77 966$
  22. APL – 75 932$
  23. COBOL – 75 592$
  24. Assembly – 75 000$
  25. Python – 71 105$
  26. Solidity – 70 368$
  27. TypeScript – 70 276$
  28. C# – 69 516$
  29. Kotlin – 69 318$
  30. SQL – 69 108$
  31. C++ – 68 000$
  32. R – 67 734$
  33. C – 67 186$
  34. JavaScript – 65 580$
  35. Java – 64 572$
  36. SAS – 64 243$
  37. Delphi – 63 984$
  38. HTML/CSS – 63 984$
  39. VBA – 62 328$
  40. MATLAB – 57 588$
  41. PHP – 50 496$
  42. Dart – 43 724$

Details of the survey results can be found on the website at

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