Frames allow you to embed another web page into a web page. Frames are represented by an iframe elem...
The figure and figcaption elements
The figure element is used to annotate various illustrations, diagrams, photographs, etc. And the fi...
Links In HTML5
Links, which are represented by the <a> </a> element , play an important role – th...
Tables In HTML5
To create a table in html element is used The table . Each table between the <table>and tags &...
Definition list In HTML5
A definition list is such a list that contains a term and a definition for that term. And there can ...
Details Tag
The details element allows you to create an expandable block that is hidden by default. Sometimes th...
Lists Tag in HTML5
To create lists in HTML5, the elements <ol>(numbered list) and <ul>(unordered list) are ...
Image Tag in HTML5
Working with images The img element is used to display images in HTML . This element presents us wit...
Text formatting Tag
A number of html elements are designed to format textual content, such as bold, italic, etc. Conside...
HTML5 Headings
Elements <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6> are used to creat...