JavaScript Proxy

A proxy is an object that allows you to intercept the execution of operations on an object and overr...

JavaScript Symbols

A symbol or type Symbol represents some unique value. A constructor of type Symbol is used to define...

JavaScript Number object

The Number object represents numbers. To create a number, you must pass a number or a string represe...

JavaScript Math object : Mathematical operations

The Math object provides a number of mathematical functions that can be used in calculations. Consid...

JavaScript Built-in objects

In addition to being able to create custom objects, JavaScript also provides a set of built-in objec...

Groups in regular expressions in Javascript

Defining groups in regular expressions Groups are used to search for more complex matches in a strin...

JavaScript Regular Expressions

Regular expressions represent a pattern that is used to search for or modify a string. To work with ...

JavaScript Row patterns

String templates (template strings/template literals) allow you to insert different values ​​int...

JavaScript Strings

To create strings, we can both directly assign a string to a variable or constant: The String object...