XAMPP – Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly

reason for XAMPP - Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.

Generally there are four possible reason for XAMPP – Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.

1. Skype is open and blocked mysql port
Solution: If your skype is open please quit and restart xampp

2. Apache uses port 80 and it is blocked. For this error message will be little different like Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly. Due to block port…


  • Go to your xampp installed directory /apache/conf (C:\xampp\apache\conf) ,
  • search for httpd.conf
  • Open that file using textpad/notepad, search for Listen or 8000 and update listen port to 8000 and save the file.
  • Restart xampp, start the servers.

3. MySQL uses port 3306 and it is blocked. You can change MySQL Port also.

How to change MySQL port?

  • Go to your xampp installed directory xampp\mysql\bin (C:\xampp\mysql\bin) ,
  • search for my.ini
  • Open that file using textpad/notepad, search for 3306 and update 3306 couple of times and save the file.
  • Restart xampp, start the servers.

4. How to solve XAMPP – Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly?

  • Step 1. Rename the folder c:\xampp\mysql\data to c:\xampp\mysql\data_old (you can use any name).
  • Step 2. Create a new folder c:\xampp\mysql/data.
  • Step 3. Copy the content that resides in mysql\backup to the new mysql\data folder.
  • Step 4. Copy all your database folders that are in mysql\data_old to mysql\data (skipping the mysql, performance_schema, and phpmyadmin folders from data_old).
  • Step 5. Finally copy the ibdata1 file from mysql\data_old and replace it inside mysql\data folder.
  • Step 6. Start MySQL from XAMPP control panel.

Solution 4 source

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