Google Tag Manager is Breaking My Oxygen-Built Website (WordPress)

Fix: Google Tag Manager Breaking Oxygen-Built WordPress Website

If Google Tag Manager (GTM) is causing issues on your Oxygen-built website, here are common reasons and how to fix them.

Possible Causes & Fixes

1. Oxygen’s JavaScript Conflicts

Oxygen Builder loads scripts differently, which can conflict with GTM.

Fix: Load GTM asynchronously to prevent blocking Oxygen scripts.

Add this snippet to “Code Snippets” or functions.php:

function add_gtm_async() {
    <script async src=""></script>
add_action('wp_head', 'add_gtm_async', 5);

Replace GTM-XXXXXX with your GTM ID.

2. GTM Container Placement Issues

If GTM was added via Oxygen’s settings, it might not execute properly.

Fix: Insert GTM manually using Oxygen’s “Code Block” feature.

  • Go to Oxygen > Templates.
  • Edit the Main Template.
  • Add a Code Block.
  • Paste your GTM <script> in the Head section.
  • Paste the <noscript> part in the Body section.

3. Page Loading or Layout Issues

GTM may interfere with Oxygen’s CSS or JavaScript.

Fix: Defer GTM’s execution so Oxygen loads first.

  window.addEventListener('load', function() {
      setTimeout(function() {
          var gtmScript = document.createElement('script');
          gtmScript.async = true;
          gtmScript.src = '';
      }, 1500); // Delay by 1.5 seconds

4. GTM Conflicting with Oxygen’s Optimizations

Oxygen’s caching or script minification may block GTM.

Fix: Exclude GTM from Oxygen’s optimizations.

  • Go to Oxygen > Settings > Bloat Eliminator.
  • Disable “Remove jQuery Migrate” (if enabled).
  • Exclude from minification or lazy loading.

5. Errors in Google Tag Manager Preview Mode

If GTM isn’t working correctly, check your browser console for:

  • CORS Policy Errors: GTM requests blocked due to security settings.
  • GTM Firing Too Soon: Events triggering before Oxygen loads.

Fix: Use GTM’s built-in “DOM Ready” trigger instead of “Page View.”

Final Checks

  • ✔ Clear Oxygen Cache (Oxygen > Settings > CSS Cache > Regenerate).
  • ✔ Use GTM Debug Mode to check for conflicts.
  • ✔ Disable other plugins (like security or cache plugins) to troubleshoot.

If your Oxygen site is still breaking, what specific issues are you facing—layout glitches, missing elements, or something else?

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