Elements for entering numbers

Simple numeric field An element input with the type=”number” attribute is used to enter ...

Label and autofocus

Along with input fields, labels are often used, which are represented by the label element . Labels ...

Text fields

A one-line text box is created using an input element when its attribute type is set text: A number ...


Buttons are represented by the button element . They are highly configurable. So, depending on the v...

Form Elements

Forms are made up of a certain number of input elements. All input elements are placed between tags ...


Forms in html represent one of the ways to enter and submit data. All form fields are placed between...


Frames allow you to embed another web page into a web page. Frames are represented by an iframe elem...

The figure and figcaption elements

The figure element is used to annotate various illustrations, diagrams, photographs, etc. And the fi...

Links In HTML5

Links, which are represented by the <a> </a> element , play an important role – th...

Tables In HTML5

To create a table in html element is used The table . Each table between the <table>and tags &...